Sexual harassment at work is very unpleasant and can severely impact the victim’s productivity and mental health. Most often, victims of sexual harassment face the dilemma of reporting their ordeal or staying mum and continuing to endure unwanted advances....
Harassment at Work
What is caste discrimination?
It seems like people have always found ways to divide each other into groups -- and that “us” versus “them” mentality is hard to overcome. In India, the ancient caste system divided people into rigid social groups based on their familial duties and occupational class....
Can you be punished for reporting harassment at work?
Workers have the right to a workplace that’s free of discrimination and harassment. Any worker who’s subjected to those situations has the right to speak up about them. However, some don’t because they fear being retaliated against. The issue with staying quiet is...
Go dark on social media during a discrimination or harassment case
If you’re thinking of starting a discrimination or harassment case targeting your employer, you should stay off of social media. You even want to watch what you text or say in email messages. If these things enter into the case, they can undermine what you’re working...
Men and women can both face sexual harassment at work
The most common assumption people make about workplace sexual harassment is that men, who are often in positions of power, harass the women that work for them. This view is a product of the male-dominated workforce of the past, something that modern America has...
If you’re being harassed on the job, you deserve support
Even though you’re working with the CEO of your company, that doesn’t mean you’re immune from harassment. Every time you walk into the office, you hear people making jokes about you. Some have suggested that you “slept with the boss” to get ahead. Others claim that...
What should you do about workplace sexual harassment?
As a victim of workplace sexual harassment, there are a few ways you can fight back. The approach that you take depends largely on the circumstances surrounding your situation. The one thing you need to remember is this: It’s never a good idea to let an instance of...
What constitutes sexual harassment?
Going to work should not elicit fear and discomfort, but for some, it does. When an employee in the San Diego area dreads returning to the workplace due to verbal comments by coworkers and even customers, it may cause angst and troublesome side effects. Sexual...
Defining sexual orientation harassment
Most people spend the majority of their weeks, and even years, at their jobs. Therefore, when another co-worker's actions make the environment hostile, it can create a negative experience. Thankfully, there are certain measures in place to help prevent or address such...
Protect yourself from termination due to harassment claims
You spend a significant portion of your life at the workplace, and any amount of discomfort can be debilitating. When someone is harassing you or engaging in offensive behavior, you may feel lost on how to resolve the situation. It is difficult to predict how your...