Your pay rate is probably a big reason why you took your job. You knew you needed to find employment that would cover your bills, and this job pays enough to meet the requirements of your budget. You certainly would like to earn more, but you need to earn at least as...
Employees should expect to be able to do their job duties without worrying about harassment or discrimination at work. Even if they need to take time off, they still shouldn’t have to worry about negative employment actions, provided that the time they take is...
Technically speaking, companies are supposed to use layoffs when they need to save money. Maybe there’s an economic recession, so the company’s revenue just isn’t where it was the year before. The company has to cut 10% of its staff just so that it can stay afloat and...
Religion is a deeply personal thing. Even two people who are nominally of the same faith can have very different approaches to their relationship with the divine, and practice their faith in distinctly different ways. That’s one of the main reasons that employers tend...
Office humor can be helpful. It can bring employees together, and it can help to create a relaxed office atmosphere. Telling jokes is a good way for people to connect and get to know each other. That said, jokes can sometimes be problematic. For example, say that...
The California tech industry, known for its innovative spirit and lucrative job opportunities, has a persistent and troubling issue: age discrimination. Federal safeguards exist, and California offers even more discrimination protection, but even so, it continues...
Companies are often required to make reasonable accommodations for employees who have various disabilities. Refusing to do so can be seen as a type of discrimination. The same is true if the company simply refuses to hire anyone with a disability. If that worker could...
Employees in California rely on their employers to train them. They probably don't know all of the laws that may apply to their industry or even all of their rights as workers. An employee might have unknowingly broken the law previously under the direct instruction...
The U.S. Supreme Court and its justices have been making a lot of national and international news lately. One case it ruled on earlier this year in a rare unanimous decision has flown largely under the radar. However, that decision can affect employees all over the...
Same-sex sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that is fully actionable under federal law. Just as the protections afforded by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 extend to victims of opposite-sex harassment, so do they extend to victims of...