We Protect Workers

What are your pregnancy rights in California workplaces?

Pregnancy is a family matter — not a women’s issue. Expecting a child does not make you a less productive employee, nor should it cause you problems at work. Although employers have become more accepting of worker pregnancy over the years, many still have much to learn about avoiding pregnancy discrimination.

What is pregnancy discrimination?

Discrimination against pregnancy can take many forms. For example, if your boss fires you right after you announce a pregnancy, it may be discrimination. Your employer also may not reduce your hours or your workload because you are expecting a child. If you are a candidate for a new job, your prospective employer may not refuse to hire you based on pregnancy. Three other prohibited actions include:

  • Refusing to hire a pregnant woman
  • Harassing or allowing other workers to harass an expectant woman
  • Reducing pay or benefits based on a pregnancy

Now that you have taken a brief look at pregnancy discrimination, it is time to learn about your employment rights when expecting. You may be relieved to discover that you have many.

Most California workers can take up to 12 weeks of leave after the birth of a child. Employees also have the right to keep their seniority and their employment benefits during and after pregnancy. Other employment rights associated with pregnancy include:

  • Reasonable pregnancy accommodations at work
  • Continued health insurance coverage
  • Pregnancy disability leave (PDL) if recommended by a doctor

Victims can find an effective solution for discriminatory workplace behaviors by speaking with an experienced attorney. Standing against pregnancy discrimination helps you protect your income and your employment benefits. It also helps deter employers from discrimination in all its forms.
