Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits workplace discrimination on various bases, including religion, age, gender and national origin. This law has been challenged on various occasions. At all levels, courts have agreed that the sex-based discrimination that this law also prohibits applies to a person’s pregnancy, gender disability and sexual orientation.
This federal law prohibits employers across the country from discriminating against an employee during the hiring, firing, job assignment, awarding promotions or administering benefits.
California laws are generally more all-encompassing or provide better protections than federal laws and thus are often cited by employees when filing employment claims. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act offers workers the same protections and more.
How to prove your ill-treatment on the job
If you’ve been subjected to discrimination at your San Diego workplace, then you may wonder how you go about proving your disparate treatment. You might do so by:
- Compiling information: Take time to build a file with any commendations or evaluations you’ve received showing that you did well in the role. If you have sales statistics or other data that shows how you contributed to the positive growth of your company, include that in your file as well. The goal is to produce information showing that you were punctual and did as you were told, but still, your employers let you go.
- Demonstrate how discrimination has impacted you: If you’ve needed to seek therapy, experienced physical medical ailments, seen your marriage crumble in front of you or otherwise have experienced an adverse response to your on-the-job treatment, then you might be able to use this info. to substantiate your discrimination claims.
Additional information that can help forward your case is evidence that your employer treated you and a colleague in a similar situation differently. If you can show that the ill-treatment didn’t just happen once, but instead, there was a pattern of it, that’s ideal. If there is evidence that someone not belonging to your protected class assumed your role, that can go a long way to proving your case.
Building a discrimination claim and determining when to pursue litigation can be challenging. You’ll want to understand these details so that you can ensure that your rights are protected and that what happened to you never happens to anyone else.