Whether you got hurt on the job or had a medical event unrelated to your employment, you might suddenly need a little help to keep performing your tasks. When a worker has a condition that affects their work performance, they typically have the right to ask their...
Disability Discrimination
What are some examples of reasonable accommodations?
Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations for employees who have a disability that meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. What’s considered reasonable varies from one employer to the next, but it’s usually in the employer’s...
What is a reasonable accommodation?
When you have a disability or illness that makes it hard for you to work, something your employer should offer to do is to provide you with reasonable accommodations. For example, if you break your leg and still want to work, your employer may need to provide you with...
Does your employer have to help you stay at work after an injury?
Maybe you got hurt on the job because you lifted something and hurt your back. Perhaps you got into a car crash during your daily commute that left you with lingering pain and range of motion issues. Regardless of how you obtained an injury that impacts your ability...
How to fight back against disability harassment
Individuals with disabilities have protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Employers cannot discriminate against or harass an individual because he or she has a disability. Additionally, employers must provide reasonable accommodations for these...